Hawaiian Goddess Vortex Retreat

 The Goddess Island Is Calling You.


It's time to Connect Deeply with Your Divine Feminine Soul, dive fully into your feminine power, and fulfill your reason for being on this Earth at this time.


If you are ready to tap into your true passion and your real reason for coming to this earth, You have been guided to the right place. 


The time for you to remember who you truly are, and step into your true feminine power is here.


During this Spiritual Goddess retreat, you will awaken your heart, connect to the power to manifest your grandest dreams, and uncover your Soul's true purpose. (see itinerary details below)


It's time to be who you're truly designed to be, and do what you're truly meant to do.


Introducing the

8 Day All Inclusive Goddess Vortex Retreat In Hawaii

The Big Island is the only Hawaiian Island that has an active Volcano, and it just so happens the Goddess is still revered by her people. Goddess Pele, the fire Goddess, is loved and honored by the people of Hawaii for her power and her strength; and you can feel her the moment you arrive.

Because of this, the energy of the island is so profoundly powerful; more than one can possibly imagine. This island has transformed many lives, and deeply impacted everyone who has been blessed to attend this Goddess retreat,  and it's about to do the same for you too.


The women who have attended this retreat manifested their own Soul purpose businesses, more clients, more money, better paying positions, new careers, new love & marriages, weight loss, babies, and so much more, and it all happened for them.


She calls to us, as it is time for us to awaken to our true power, Rise Up as the Divine Feminine women we are, and do what we came to this Earth to do. Together We RISE.


Our 2024 Retreat will be held over a new moon and we will be swimming in a sea of stars on 8/8/8! Making this trip the most magical and spiritually blessed trip imaginable.


It is well known that mystical and magical energy is experienced all over this island (it is a vortex for a reason!), and this is exactly what we are going to experience here together too, amplified. It's the power of the Divine Feminine Vortex and The Master Mind of Sacred Sisterhood, and this energy is known to propel you into a life of magic one can only dream of.


The magic awaits you.

The Hawaiian Goddess Vortex Retreat 

Awaken Your Feminine Power In The Goddess Vortex

Discover Your True Purpose & Shine Your Light 

When tapping into this energy, it is as if life is flowing for you, in miraculous ways. Divine inspiration becomes your natural force, and dreams are manifested into form with grace.

The flow of this grace continues long after you arrive back home, a new version of your highest self.

There are 2 of the most powerful vortex’s in the world located on the big island we will be experiencing both (the ley lines of the earth intersect here which is why the spiritual energy is heightened and manifestations happen faster). We perform our cacao new moon Goddess ritual during our stargazing tour, at the top of  Mauna kea volcano during lions gate portal, 8/8/8! And, we experience the power of the Fire Goddess during our beachside burn ritual, together, in Sacred Sisterhood, as we use the power of our voices in sacred chant as the sun sets over the ocean. 


Lions gate portal is one of the most potent mystical activation times on earth. Isis herself is known to have harnessed this powerful time for deep healing & activations.


This retreat will awaken you to your Goddess Mystical Spirit and all the gifts this energy brings. From the moment you step foot onto the island, until long after you take your last breath on earth, you will know what it feels like to be at one with this energy. Your desires will manifest for you like magic and Your life will never be the same. 


Ruby N.

My experience in Hawaii changed my life forever. This retreat is the retreat of a lifetime where you rise into your power, connect to your soul family, and experience the healing transformation from Randina. It changed my life forever. I was able to come out of hiding and step in to who I am meant to be. I am now my own boss, in my own Soul purpose business, helping people I love, and living my dream. I couldn't be happier with my life. Thank you.

This Sacred & organic retreat is located in one of the most beautiful and serene places in the world.


Each day we will experience:
Sacred Sisterhood Group meditations

Sacred Morning Meditation overlooking the ocean as we connect into Gaia: The Divine Mother, and commune with our Soul.

Receive powerful insights as you experience a 3rd eye awakening, and direct connection with your inner guidance, in a blissful container of sisterhood love.

Connect to spirit and hear the voice of your spirit guides each and every morning. Unlock your abilities to receive Divine guidance.


Our Morning Goddess yoga practice

Connect to Your Spirit and Gaia with An easy Morning Heart Opening Yoga Flow, to strengthen the body and mind, while overlooking the beautiful ocean.

This Heart opening, mind body connection flow is gentle enough for all levels.

Connect to your Goddess Soul in the heart of the Mother. Experience deep activations with the movement of your body and the flow of your breath.


Indulge in Delicious organic meals 

Top chefs and culinary artists create our organic meals for us daily. Enjoy Delicious Organic and Vegetarian Meals with ingredients straight from the land.

Experience whole body Cleansing and Healthy eating, to raise your vibration, bringing you that youthful glow; and the abundant blessings of this beautiful energy throughout your entire life.

Feel at ease in your body and your mind, with our chakra based, blessed and delicious meals.

Experience Profound Healing Sessions: Deep Feminine Womb Healing, Third Eye Activations, & Heart Awakenings


World Renowned Healers from around the world, all coming together for the purpose of transforming YOU. Heal and transcend all that holds you back in life with:

  • Unlock the secrets of your past life gifts through Past Life Regression & Future Life Progression Sessions with Mira Kelley,
  • Deep Inner healing and dissolving of your Earthbound Identity. Higher Self Soul Activations, Wealth Codes Activations & Integration with The Divine Effect® with Randina Marie,
  • Psychic Gift Activations, healings, and Awakenings with Sound Healing with our Master Energy Healers,
  • Move stuck energy & unlock and radically heal suppressed traumas with Ancient Hawaiian Breathwork guided by Hawaiian Energy Healers,
  • Energy upgrades & transformations with Angelic Reiki with our Goddess Angelic Reiki Masters, and so much more. Heal your past and connect to your beautiful future, so you can live your piece of heaven on earth.
  • Awaken your Sacred Feminine with profound Sacral Chakra healings and Deep Spiritual activations that transform you from the inside out.


Realize a new you and new life full of love, purpose, & magic in the Goddess Vortex.


*VIP also experiences Hawaiian Reiki Massages & Private Healing Sessions with Retreat practitioners.

*For Goddess VIP Upgrade Option Only

(See Options Below)


Embark upon Private island Goddess Tours to sacred sites


Connect with the land on Our VIP Private Island Tours. Our  personal guide is the island guide for high profile clients and celebrities alike. You will experience very special VIP tours of the island you would not have access to otherwise.

  • The healing stone
  • Sacred Sisterhood Sunset Beach Burn Ritual
  • Queens Bath
  • Sacred Dolphin Excursion 
  • World renowned snorkeling
  • Rainforest walks
  • Black Sands Beach
  • Green Sands Beach
  • Beach 69 fun in the sun luncheon 
  • Sacred Sisterhood Star Gazing and wishes fulfilled Cacao ritual at the top of Mauna kea volcano
  • Rainforest HotTub sea salt soaks and Reiki Massages (VIP)


and many more surprise landmarks. This is a once in a lifetime Experience of the island that you can only get during our retreat, and it is all for you.


The blessings this island has to bestow upon you cannot be put in to words, it can only be felt.

This magic will continue long after you return home.

Dive deep into the Heart of The Divine Mother and be reborn.


 *Must be able to walk 1/4 of a mile easily

The Hawaiian Goddess Vortex Retreat 

Awaken Your Feminine Power In The Goddess Vortex

Discover Your True Purpose & Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality
Click Here To Book Your Free Discovery Call
Retreat Outline
Day Before:

Fly in, arrive at our private, exclusive retreat center, of 50 ocean front acres of sacred land overlooking the ocean. Get comfy, relax in the infinity pool as you feel the flow of love gracing your being. Afterwards, we gather for our meet and greet and our Sacred Sisterhood Organic Gourmet Dinner.

Day 1:

On A NEW MOON! First half of Goddess vortex ascension, Connect to Your Dreams and Intentions for your life/business, & The Sacral Chakra Goddess Blessings Session. Fully awaken your Sacred Divine Feminine and your Core Sacred Self Love Session. Experience who you truly are, do what you truly came here to do, in happiness and deep fulfillment. Finish with our Organic Gourmet Goddess Dinner.

Day 2:

New Moon/Full Moon Wishes Fulfilled Tour of the island. Volcano Crystal Grid Ritual Goddess Activation (Crystal Goddess Intention ceremony on the Volcano; to the Goddess). Engage the Power of the vortex Island to super charge your desires. New Moon Cacao Ceremony @ the top of Mauna Kea & charge your crystals with your intentions. Sacred Waterfall Beach getaway Excursion & Stargazing. This Goddess island is one of the most powerful vortices on the planet and the reason attendees manifest their highest desires.

Day 3:

Second half of Goddess vortex ascension: Past Life Regression activating past life gifts, Divine Feminine activation and healing/dissolving of what's in the way of your dreams manifesting (core self worth, heart activations, womb healing, and Divine Love activation) through reiki and Hawaiian breath work. 


Day 4:

Island tour to Queens bath, swim in the energy of the queen. Beach 69 excursion, relax on one of the most famous beaches in the world, take photos for memories. We venture to the Volcano to experience the power of nature, and then head to our Sacred sisterhood Beach burning ritual/ Divine Feminine Chakra Ceremony to once and for all release, all we are ready to let go of. We finish with our Sacred Sisterhood sunset dinner on the beach.


Day 5:

Goddess Yoga/Meditation & Organic Gourmet Breakfast. Followed by our Group Past Life Regression experience (with renowned past life regressionist Mira Kelley, Wayne Dyers practitioner): Your reason for being and unlocking your unlimited potential. We journey to the time your Soul was created and discover the blueprint for your life. Then we have our Organic Gourmet Lunch followed by our Wealth codes Activations, Crown Chakra Activation (connecting to spirit guides & Angels) in depth group session, Followed by our Organic Gourmet Goddess Dinner. We finish with our Goddess 888 Activation in the grass overlooking the ocean Awakening & Activation of Psychic Gifts & Soul Purpose Connection/ 3rd Eye Awakening.

Day 6:

Island Tour to the Famous Black Sands Beach, the lotus pond, and then the crystal Green Sands Beach where we have our Sacred Sisterhood crystal ritual. Lunch on the beach and relaxing in the sun.

Day 7:

Goddess Yoga, Organic Gourmet Breakfast, soul purpose/gifts/Divine Communication Activation Session. Connect with your guides and receive insight for your next steps in life. Infinity Pool and Relaxation Day/Integration & Celebratory Dinner Poolside & Moonlight Sisterhood Ceremony.

Day 8:

Sacred World renowned snorkeling/ dolphin Excursion. Feel the power of collective love with the dolphins and the beauty of the ocean. This profound experience will leave you breathless. Sending love from your heart to the dolphins creates a blessed union between you and the magic of life. This experience is going to change your life; it will be one you will never forget (even if you can't swim ;). Shopping day, followed by our Organic Gourmet Dinner and sunset pictures.


Final Day For General:

Goddess Yoga Flow/Group Meditation, then on to our Organic Gourmet Breakfast, after pictures, check out..

*Vip Continues with our Group Magnetizing Ritual, and our Future Life Progression Session With Mira Kelley. *see VIP schedule below for more details.

We will all be doing sacred Yin Goddess yoga (suited for all levels beginners to advanced) and our sacred group intention/meditation every morning; in the grass, overlooking the ocean. Then we will all head to our raw organic chakra boosting gourmet breakfast, and after we will continue with the divine plans for the day.

Schedule may be subject to change due to weather


 *A portion of all proceeds goes to help women and children of Hawaii*

Goddess VIP Upgrade Option

(2 additional Private days)


In our Future Life Progression session With Mira Kelley, Meet your highest potential future self, and receive powerful insight and guidance on how to align with this version of you, indefinitely.

In our Soul Purpose Reverse Timeline Integration session With Randina Marie, connect with your Souls true purpose, and experience an amplification of it that spreads throughout the world, connecting you with all those you are meant to transform with your light guaranteeing your success. Receive your exact next steps, aka the map, on the unfolding of your Soul purpose expression and the receiving of your hearts desires.


To bless and integrate all the work we have done during our time together, we soak in a sea salt hot tub In the middle of the rainforest, and experience rainforest reiki massages by certified Reiki Masters. 


Plus, Every night receive energetic Divine Sacred transmissions from Randina (this option is for those who are truly ready to connect to and enhance their Soul mission, and serve in a much higher, bigger, and more profound way than ever before).


VIP’s receive everything in the general entry Plus, a VIP sacred dolphin boat cruise, and 2 additional days of VIP healing and activating with Randina Marie & Mira Kelley Wayne Dyers Past Life Regression Therapist

Includes VIP Suite Accommodations. Ocean view or tropical view options available.



Vip meditation, then we head to our final Organic Gourmet Goddess Breakfast, and after our sacred sisterhood celebration, then checkout.

Ashley B.

I manifested a new house, all kinds of money, new jobs, cars, healing, eliminated debt, and got married after Hawaii. 

I recommend anyone considering it to go. The growth and transformation you will experience is PRICELESS  

It was a magical experience | treasured and can't wait to do again. I still feel the power and the positivity of it even now.

Discover and enhance your Soul purpose and serve more people.

Experience the Full Power of THE DIVINE EFFECT®; activate and awaken your deepest gifts and inherent power to serve the light on a grand scale.

Awaken your full power, and Fill your cup so you can be the Divine blessing you came here to be, on a much more powerful scale.


Goddess General Entry

8 day All inclusive Divine Feminine Sacred Vortex Retreat includes:

  •  Accommodations
  • Soul Purpose Connection
  • Creating Your Life By Design Soul Mapping Sessions to Manifest Your Dreams
  • Raw and organic blessed meals
  • 3 island tour days (including Sacred queens bath, Goddess Pele Volcano, Green Sands, Beach 69, and Black Sands Beaches)
  • Sacred World Renowned Snorkeling
  • Meals and transportation on private island tour days
  • Profound Healing Sessions that transform you forever. Reconnect to your Soul and Fulfill Your Purpose
  • Group Activation sessions and deep Connection to your Soul sisters 
  • Personal Soul Purpose Birth Chart Reading

Goddess VIP Upgrade Option

10 day All inclusive Divine Feminine Sacred Vortex Retreat includes:

  • VIP Suite Accommodations
  • Soul Purpose Connection
  • Creating Your Life By Design Soul Mapping Sessions to Manifest Your Dreams 
  • Raw and organic blessed meals
  • 3 island tour days (including Sacred queens bath, Goddess Pele Volcano, Green Sands, Beach 69, and Black Sands Beaches)
  • Sacred Dolphin Excursion & World Renowned Snorkeling
  • Meals and transportation on private island tour days
  • Profound Healing Sessions that transform you forever. Reconnect to your Soul and Fulfill Your Purpose
  • Group Activation sessions and deep Connection to your Soul sisters
  • A Private Reiki Massage with a Reiki Master Massage Therapist
  • 2 additional days of personal healing and activation with Randina and other retreat practitioners such as Mira Kelley!
  • Personal Soul Purpose Birth Chart Reading + Numerology Reading
Now Booking For 2023 Happening During Lions Gate Portal
August 3 – 12 For Goddess General and August 3-14, 2024 For Goddess VIP

Lions Gate Portal is a major activation point known by the Egyptians as an ascension vortex. We will be at the top of Mauna Kea during this time, the highest point of the island (on 8/8/8!). Get ready to experience rapid transformation and stellar light body activations.

Connect to your Souls purpose and manifest the dreams you have for your life. Your life will never be the same. Your Time Is Now.


Click Here To Book Your Discovery Call To See If This Retreat Is For You! Space Is Limited!
Trip Information

*This retreat is all inclusive with the exception of flights (if you choose a funding option, you can add the cost of flights to it as well); and of course shopping (we go crystal shopping!). Schedule may be subject to change. No refunds with the exception of host cancelation.

Jump on a discovery call with us to see if this is a good fit for you! We can also help you manifest what you need to make it happen.

See you in the Vortex!


Click Here To See If This Is For You! Space Is Limited!
About Your Host

Aloha Divine Soul, Thank you for being here. Hawaii has a special place in my Soul, and I am so honored and blessed to be able to share Her healing power with you.

For me I planned this retreat here, or rather, she planned it, and guided me through to the realization of it.  I made one post and it sold out within a few hours; and from there a waiting list had to be created. Not only have I been blessed monetarily from the experience of this island, I have also been blessed in love, happiness, and feeling who I truly am, from my core; A great force of the cosmic mother who is here to transcend the human illusion of limitation, on behalf of all of life.

Whatever your dreams are, they will not only be discovered while here, you will be shown how to bring them into full fruition, and be supported by all of life, to bless you on your journey. If you are already in alignment with your purpose, she will give you inspired and prosperous ideas, and the power to bring them into fruition, like magic. For you are one with her, and she is one with you. You will become the Woman who creates life, on purpose, and shines your light to help others do the same.  Together We Rise! 

I work with women to Awaken their inner Feminine Power and innate gifts to create lives they love, and I teach them how to Align with their Souls True Divine Purpose; so they can experience their hearts truest desires in Money, Love, and Blissful Success, and help others with their light.

I use my gifts and abilities to discover and transform the hidden limitations and traumas that are Secretly blocking you from experiencing your hearts true desires, and I teach you how to harness and engage the laws of the Universe, so you can create a deeply fulfilling and meaningful life, being who you really are, doing what you really came here to do, in Love and In Happiness.


I strongly believe in giving back which is why we donate a portion of all proceeds to helping women and children. 


I am an intuitive, and have Clairvoyant and Clairsentient abilities, that I use to facilitate the healing of the pain body within people (traumas, inner child work, past life wounding, and limiting beliefs) and awaken them to the truth of who they really are. I have the gift of sensing and healing core fractures and hidden limitations, blocks, and barriers within people, releasing them from the karmic density cycle (Karmic Density cycle= repeating painful patterns and lessons over and over) so they can be free to do what they came here to do in love with who they are, and the gifts that they bring to this world. 

Many know me as the Queen of Rapid Transformation.

I am the Founder of Goddess Alchemy: Purpose To Profits, Goddess Alchemy Reiki™, Money Goddess Reiki™,

a Licensed Master Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Master Weight Loss Coach, a Certified Motivational Coach, a Certified Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach, an Angelic/Goddess Reiki Practitioner, a Past life regressionist and a Divine Feminine Master Energy Healer. I am also a certified HYMS (Heal Your Money Story) Money Coach. I am the Creator of The Divine Effect®, Author of “The Power of a Woman”, Founder of The Power Of A Woman Transformational Coaching and Empowerment, and co-founder of Sacred Visions.

I AM more than what I have accomplished.  I AM a Soul (in human form, just like you) who came to this world to help awaken The Divine Feminine within us all. Together We RISE.

The results of this work? Turning Core wounds to Power.  From Poverty to Wealth, from life threatening illness to health, from infertility to a healthy baby, from the verge of divorce to rekindled love, from single to Soul Mate Love, from working 9-5 to a Soul Based Business and multiple 6 figures a year.  It works for everyone who experiences it. You will Experience anything your heart desires, in any area you desire; Money, Love, Health, & Blissful Soul Aligned Businesses. 

I can’t wait to witness your transformation in the Goddess Vortex of Hawaii. 


"I signed up for the trip to Hawaii once it was announced, I had it on my dream board and knew this was an experience I NEEDED. I needed this for myself, my soul, and to experience something beautiful and magnificent in my life. Every day I healed and learned something new about myself. I was surrounded by the most kind hearted, gentle souls. A tribe of the most beautiful women, where I could be myself, be raw, and heal the inner parts of myself that needed healing.

The atmosphere was uplifting, joyful, and powerful. Being in the Goddess vortex powered the inner part of me, to raise my confidence and raise my vibration as a soul. Everything we did as a group for our tours was beautiful, seeing the most magical island places. I felt as if there was always a profound experience to get to a beautiful destination. I was challenged mentally and physically to step outside of my personal comfort zone, to see the most beautiful things, and experience the magic.  Everyday I grew. 

Coming home, I had lost 6 pounds, had more confidence in who I am, created friendships and a sisterhood and memories that will last my lifetime. I can’t put into words the impact this had on me but I was in love everyday I was there and continue to be in love with the experience I had. Thank you Randina Marie for all the work and guidance you put into this retreat. 



"The love and divine presence I felt being amongst my soul sisters, whom I'd seen online for months but had yet to meet in person, was unlike anything I can describe. The laughs, the soul aligned conversations, the meditation, the activities, the sacred places we visited, and the transformation that occurred it was so special. I stepped outside of my old self on this trip, and just like I was told, the power of Goddess Pele continued to transform my life for many months after the retreat.

When I got home things were different and have never been the same since, in a good way. The situation I was stressing about resolved miraculously and all I had to do was love and invest in myself. It was a magical experience I treasured and can't wait to do again. I still feel the power and the positivity of it even now.

I manifested a new house, all kinds of money, new jobs, cars, healing, eliminated debt, and got married after Hawaii.

I recommend anyone considering it to go. The growth and transformation you will experience is PRICELESS and being amongst so many other powerful spiritually in tune women is an experience you'll never forget, and one I'm so grateful I said yes to. The goddess in me truly awakened on that trip and my life, and my family's lives, and the lives of everyone I touch has truly changed for the better because of the work I've done with Randina."


"I experienced this AMAZING retreat as a life changing, mind blowing & heart exploding blessing & remembering of what is. Truly magical. Real life Harry Potter meets Sex in the City! Divine Healing with Master Healers Randina Marie & Mira Kelley. So much safe & true sisterhood. 

Randina curated a beautiful, nourishing, seamless, soul expanding, FUN & adventurous retreat on one of my most favorite places on Earth - The Big Island of Hawaii & her beautiful Pele. Thank you, thank you, thank you ~ Forever & ever & ever. I love you!"


"I commend mySELF for doing the work, but the choice I made to trust myself and attend this retreat is STILL impacting my life and will continue.

There are so many aspects of the Vortex that are still playing out and each of you continue to carry a role in my healing and growth and I thank you

Thank you Randina Marie and all of you!!!!"


"Dearest Randina, thank you for the session last week. It was incredible, already before the session and during I felt the healing and clearings. I truly admire your power - I have had so many healing before, and never so powerful and deep as yours. I feel confident, peaceful, powerful and happy to shine my light."


"From going through a horrible divorce, to being with my soul mate. After having my daughter, going through miscarriage after miscarriage to being pregnant with a healthy little girl. From being broke and virtually living out of my car to an amazing million dollar home. Struggling in business to being successful. Randina helps you make miracles happen. Honestly! My life is proof."


"Ladies the love and compassion that this woman has is incredible. One session with Randina Marie and many, many hurts were cleared and healed. I can see where I was hurting myself and my loved ones. This is some powerful work that you deserve to experience. Please reach out to this woman."


"Before I met Randina, I was scheduled for a hysterectomy. She was sure she could heal me. Fast forward to today only a few short months after I began my journey with her...No surgery needed and I am healed! Plus, she taught me how to manifest the money I needed too! It all works! Thank you Randina, you will always have a special place in my heart."


"Thank you so much for our amazing session this morning! You brought so much clarity and totally 'cracked me open' which I have been yearning for, for so long. I feel so amazed and blown away by what you picked up — you went straight to the heart of the matter and held the space for me so beautifully! Pure love flows through you. I know that you will be blessed in this life. I would love to encourage anyone who needs shift and insight and wants it now to come and see you. I can feel the energy of abundance and love flowing through me and this has shown up in tangible ways already. So much love to you, beautiful lady!"

Click Here To Reserve Your Spot! Before It's Booked Out!

Still Want To Know More?

Sign up for the Free Hawaiian Goddess Vortex Presentation here!

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